So starting this thing up again; the summer ran by me pretty quickly. Been all over Southern California the past few months. I've come accquainted very well with Hilton hotels lol.
Enough about work. Rebecca got me addicted to Twilight. Now I know I'm way behind in the trend of this series, so bear with me. I ended up finishing all 4 books in under 2 weeks (was pretty easy considering I had down time from office to office in the hotel room).
It's honestly one of my favorite books. Thanks, Rebecca :) It's so addicting, that I've given Mayra a copy of it for her birthday, it's all I talk about (yeah I even mentioned to Eric that it would be a cool anime), and I am going bizerk waiting for the movie to come in December. It's hard to picture the actors chosen in the movie though. I totally thought Edward a different way; however Robert Pattinson I would think would do a good job. I totally would have casted Bella differently. Ellen Page. Hands down. Who knows. The book is a total chick book, complete with romance and suspense intertwined. Enough about the book, I'm driving myself crazy just thinking about it. I'll talk more of it later.
Lakers game tomorrow. Can't believe it's already October. Can't believe it's already 1 year since I went to the last game. Time flies. I still get older lol.