Sunday, July 12, 2009

We're Getting Married!

So much has happened since the last post! Eric proposed when we went to The City (SF), well actually in Oakland at the Temple! Since then it's been a whirlwind of dates, meetings, online ideas, invitations, planning, preparing and craziness. 27 days to go and certaintly counting!!

The wedding is less than a month away (August 8th!) and we couldn't be happier. Yesterday was my bridal shower and a beautiful one I might add. I am so grateful for my wonderful friends and family; they really did "shower" me with gifts! My bridesmaids were amazing and made everything so beautiful. I especially loved my cake!

Lots of family and friends attended; we received so many gifts, it's such a blessing. Our first home may be little but it will be ours. I'm really excited in decorating! Mom and dad got us our front load washer and dryer! Super excited to have those in full swing. We are truly blessed.

We're almost done finalizing things...we got all the big things done, just now the zillion little ones. Hopefully things go according to plan and at the end of the day what matters most is that Eric and I will be sealed for time and all eternity! I cannot be happier than to marry this boy, I've already invested in waterproof makeup for the sealing. I practically bawled my eyes out when he proposed so I'm praying that I am sentimental come sealing time, but not a waterfall lol.
I started a website for our wedding, just some info for guests who have lost their invite, have forgotten to RSVP and needs reminding, etc. I hope everyone can come celebrate our love!