Sunday, May 2, 2010

Veggie Delights

So what have we been up to since the last post, honestly a whole lot lol. Primary has been going well, it's a bit overwhelming for me since I've never worked with this age group. I've had either 2-3 year olds or teenagers. Pre-teens are definitely a different breed. I have my work cut out for me. lol.

Kim and Daniel got married last week! It was such a beautiful ceremony and everything went well. I had a great time getting ready with the bridesmaids and all in all it was a wonderful weekend with friends and family.

We went to the San Diego Temple yesterday for a session and it we had a wonderful time. They are currently working on leaks throughout the temple so one of the towers were covered. It was a great time and I cannot wait to go back.

Eric received a Bakersfield College Alumni Association scholarship! I'm so proud of him; with great efforts he was a selected few to receive this award and we greatly appreciate it. He has a Honor Reception that we are invited to attend on Friday, but unfortunately we will not be in Bakersfield. He can use the scholarship either at Saddleback or wherever he transfers (UCI, hopefully?!). Anyway, he has earned this and I'm so proud of him.

So for the month of May (May is the greatest month btw since my birthday is in it), Eric and I have decided to try some new vegetarian dishes. No, do not fear fellow meat-lovers we are not going to the dark side, we just want to try some different dishes and eat a bit healthier since we are getting older *sigh*. Now don't get me wrong, I'll never turn down a good piece of tri-tip or Caribbean Jerk Chicken, but it wouldn't hurt to make some veggie dishes. Wish me luck!


Jenna Brown said...

Kimi, I love that you update so often.

I'm envious that you did a session in the San Diego Temple. I'd love to do that sometime soon. Heck, I'd love to go down to San Diego and explore some areas that aren't Sea World (although I'd like to go there too...I love the rays).

Can you post some more of your dishes? I'd love to see. You've inspired me to do a recipe scrapbook page. I'm gonna feature pizza since we eat it so often, and I've perfected my dough recipe.

Enjoy your week!

BTW- Did you watch the Lost finale?

- Jenna

Jenna Brown said...

Also BTW...

I too am in Primary. I'm assuming you have the 11-12 class, right? I have 9-10, and boy, this age is hard too. It's hard to find the best way to reach out to them, although I've got a great class of kids who ask excellent questions and participate well. I just don't know if I'm creating a good rapport with them...

Anyway, keep it up!