Sunday, January 13, 2013

Baby Showers and more {later post}

My time flies by...
  • when you're having fun
  • when you've lost your watch
  • when you're busy
  • when you're having babies
This week officially marks the third trimester. A lot has happened within the past 2-3 weeks since my last post {I literally have to look at my calendar on what I did}.

  1. We only accomplished 2 out of 5 child birth prep classes LOL.
  2. I had a dental appointment and was scolded for not flossing as regularly :/
  3. Eric pointed out the first set of stretch marks {thanks, hubby}.
  4. On 9/27 my work gave me a baby shower at El Torito {pictures below}
  5. Had our last appt with Dr. Pevzner {grrr on him since he went on paternal leave}.
  6. Started an online class at UCI - which is becoming a headache already.
  7. Forgot a joint baby shower for some sisters in the ward...thank you pregnancy brain.
  8. On 10/6 my friends from Bakersfield hosted a baby shower!
  9. Had a regular OB appt yesterday {with new OB} and resulted in having high BP and being admitted to L&D. Fun, huh? More on that later....
  10. And consistently a punching bag for my little monsters :) 
  11. Lastly, had my baby shower in OC on 11/ 3...more pictures below.

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