Well, we were LOL. Thank you third ultrasound back in June
to let us know that we're not only having one bundle of joy but TWO!
1. Do you think you're having a girl and a boy? No, {I have to laugh at this one because it's the most repeat offender question after I explain I'm having identical twins} identical twins mean {put your brainy hat on} Monozygotic (MZ). This occurs when a single egg is fertilized to form one zygote (hence, "monozygotic") which then divides into two separate embryos. Diamniotic since there is an inner layer surrounding the amniotic sac of each twin but there is only one common outer layer (chorion) surrounding both of the sacs. So identical is the same genetic makeup essentially, but they will have different fingerprints.. Fraternal twins are non-identical. This happens when two eggs are independently fertilized by two different sperm cells.
2. Do you know if they are identical? Yes, babies share the same placenta but they are in two amniotic sacs separated by a very thin membrane. AKA Monochorionic-Diamniotic twins.
3. So what type of twins are you having? Again, identical {Monochorionic-Diamniotic}.
4. Do twins run in your family? Yes, apparently on both sides! My grandmother on my dad's side had two sets {only 1 baby eventually survived} and Eric's great-grandparents had a set {don't know the survival on them}. Monozygotic twinning occurs in birthing at a rate of about three in every 1000 deliveries worldwide. Spontaneous division of the zygote into two embryos is not considered to be a hereditary trait, but rather a spontaneous or random event - in other words, identical twins are NON hereditary believe it or not.
5. Did you use IVF? Honestly, I think this is a SUPER personal question and quite rude when people ask this. But for the record, no - we planned and tried for a baby and were blessed with two!
6. Will your breastfeed? If my body permits it, yes. I will try my hardest to breastfeed to my utmost ability...with TWO lol.
7. Do you know the gender? Yes - keeping it a secret for now ;)
8. When are you due? Right now the date is 11/23/12. Happy Thanksgiving lol.
9. Are you having a c-section? The plan is for natural birth. However it all depends on the placement of Baby A. I've read that 78% of all twin births result in a c-section {eek}.
10. Thought of any names? Yes, however in sensitivity of the gender situation, we are withholding names for now :) We are always looking for ideas, though since we never thought we'd have twins and only have 1 boy and 1 girl name picked out! Right now just Baby A & Baby B.
Any other questions? ;)