Saturday, August 4, 2012

Hungry, Hungry...

It feels like forever since I've blogged...and it kinda shows. We've been extremely busy - mainly packing to our new place (still in LN), that is bigger and still in MH Ward {more on that in a bit}.

I've been behind on weeks 17-19...eek! Dr.'s appointments have been more frequent now since twins are high-risk pregnancy. I don't mind going in every 1.5-2 weeks - that means I get to see the babies more often with the ultrasounds! During my 17 week appointment we tried to the full anatomy U/S, but babies weren't quite big enough (enough though about 6 oz each).

Week 17

 Week 18

These pics are a great comparison of what week's difference does. LOL. I look huge in week 18! I love my belly. I'm still unable to feel them move however :( Eric swears he felt Baby A kick last week - but I told him if I didn't feel it, why would he LOL. Either way, I'm jealous. I want to feel them!

Week 18:
U/S was a two hour event! The "mid-pregnancy ultrasound" is what it's really called. The purpose of this special U/S is where the Dr. will check on babies' growth and development; that is all is going as planned. He checked the heartbeats for any physical abnormalities {nothing abnormal, they have strong, fast heartbeats}, the amount of amniotic fluid {too much or too little can be a problem - again, all good}, and a LOT of measurements were taken. Babies are the right size (9 oz each!) and my due date is officially November 23, 2012 {BLACK FRIDAY!} - these babies don't want me to shop :/

I practically passed out on the table since I was on my back for so long {not good for mommy, there are important blood vessels in the back!}. We had to take interval breaks for me so I wouldn't pass out. After 45 minutes of Baby A {who was very cooperative, as always} it was Baby B's turn. Baby B has been quite stubborn even though I've drank juice or a glass of soda to get baby moving or at least active. Baby B tends to follow after Daddy - sleepy and relaxed, always lying down in one spot and not wanting to move. Dr. Pevzner wiggled  my belly and pressed up and down to get Baby B to move. After some quite time he got some good views, however they weren't as ideal as he wanted. LOL. Oh well, there's always next time!

Week 19:
{half way there for me!}...I cannot believe how fast time is flying. In little over 3 months I will be able to hold my babies! I'm so excited to finally enjoy pregnancy. The nausea will come only with a few slight instances, but nothing like before. We've known for awhile {15 weeks to be exact} on the gender of the babies, however we haven't officially announced it. I want to do it in a fun and special way :) Most of family knows: my parents came down a few weeks ago and we showed them the DVD from Ultrasound me and they are elated and cannot wait to go to Target to buy things :)

Week 18-19 was still a trying time for me because we were moving! It took over 5 days for us to get everything completely packed, cleaned and moved. I don't ever want to do this again {even though I know eventually we will have to}. The new place we are renting is luckily in the same ward {one of my 'have to's in moving} and is a good size for soon-to-be babies. I'm excited about painting and decorating the nursery. I've had some ideas from Pinterest and we've been looking at paint samples. The difficult part we are facing right now however is the unpacking. I've been searching for TWO days for my toiletries and iPhone charger. Of COURSE it was the last box I looked - so frustrating. But I'm happy to be in a new place and SO grateful for all the people who helped us in the process {once we get things cleaned and squared away we're going to thank them again by inviting them over to dinner}. We have another ultrasound this Tuesday, I'm excited to see how much bigger the babies are since I'm eating everything in sight. We went to Soup Plantation last night {a big deal since Eric hates this place} but I really wanted salad and soup. It was surprisingly good to clean our palettes because of all the fast food we've been having....I'm really to blame. Burgers are my thing right now and it's something that is fast and simple rather than waiting or cooking {kitchen is still unpacked, so there's my excuse?}. Overall I've been eating pretty healthy - my weight gain isn't as much as I want it..yes, I'm crazy, right? Well for multiple pregnancies the weight gain is supposed to be more than a singleton pregnancy. I haven't weighed myself in awhile, only at the Dr.'s - either way I think I've gained about 15lbs. My hunger is ALL the time now! Hence why I wanted to go to a buffet LOL.

Babies are the size of a mango {really?!}

How far along? 19 weeks, 3 days
Size of babies: 9 oz, 6"
Total weight gain: ~15lbs
Exercise habits: I count moving TONS of exercise right now; been wanting to hit the pool.
Maternity clothes? Yes - I've been trying to still wear my jeans since I loathe maternity jeans {I cannot find any stylish pairs!}. I can't find my BeBand from the move though, so really in for it.
Stretch marks? no..lather up, baby!
Sleep: I've been going to bed later because of the move, however I've been sleeping through the night which is nice.
Best moment this week: Accomplishing our move.
Miss Anything? I still want turkey sandwiches. I got my crunch roll fix the other night though :)
Movement: none yet
Food cravings: cheeseburgers, vanilla ice cream cones, and mac 'n cheese!
Anything making you queasy or sick: still with chicken...chick-fil-a is good lol.
Gender: TBA...yay!
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Leg cramps! Ugh!! Horrible.
Belly Button in or out? still flat
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy but been really sensitive and emotional {oh hello, hormones!}
Looking forward to: Painting the nursery!
Not looking forward to: unpacking all this stuff before babies arrive.

So back to our big moving explosion. All I can say it was horrible - the last night Eric and I were done around 3:30 AM...I didn't lift heavy items but there were tons of little items here and there and I contributed to what I could. I can't believe how much STUFF we have and let alone how it fit in the 1 bdrm and now with new place there isn't any room {??!}. I don't know what to do - I guess take it one day at a least now I have my make up and hairbrush {feel bad for my co-workers, I was looking pretty tore up LOL}.

Living Room
Master Bedroom

Walk-in Closet
Nursery :)
Our new place has some quirky neighbors...they are all really nice and mainly stick to themselves, but I find myself {like right now} looking through our large living room window why I'm on the computer and studying their habits. LOL. Anything is better than our previous neighbor who would 'rock out' to 90's rock and sing/play electric guitar all day. Don't get me wrong, I love 90's music...but leave it to the Offspring and Green Day's of the world, dude :)


Unknown said...

Oh, your new place looks so cute! That nursery room looks like the perfect size!! Can't wait to find out what you're having!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVE reading your blogs...thank you for documenting this amazing experience and all that's going on in your life..I'm excited to find out the gender(s) of the twins! I'm so glad that you're doing well....I know this is months away, but will you be going back home to Bakersfield for Christmas? I would love to see you, meet the twins, and FINALLY meet Eric lol